Kagyu Tormas


This torma is used in the practice of the Sadhana of Chakrasamvara, composed by the eighth Karmapa, Mikyo Dorje in 16th century Tibet…



This torma--often referred to as the Dorje Phagmo torma—is used in the feast offering and retreat practices of the Sadhana of Vajrayogini, composed by the sixth Karmapa Thongwa Tonden…


Protector Tormas

The tormas in this section are associated with the Kagyu Lineage. Protector (mahakala/mahakali) practices are often conducted as part of a main deity practice, or on their own...

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These tormas for the sadhana practice of Jinasagara (AKA Gyalwa Gyamtso, Red Avalokiteshvara) follows the Rumtek tradition as presented by His Eminence Thrangu Rinpoche…



The Naivedya (in Tibetan, shalze—meaning consecrated food) is a simple offering torma regarded as an offering of sublime food…
